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November 02, 2007
Wealth Creation and Affordability in Inclusionary Housing
Inclusionary housing ordinances can produce vital community assets and valuable personal assets. Should the programs seek to preserve these community assets, or allow residents of the affordable units to reap the full rewards of homeownership? This session examined various techniques for balancing these two important goals, including resale provisions that utilize shared appreciation formulas and community land trusts.[More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
October 29, 2007
Administration of Inclusionary Housing Programs
This panel at the National Inclusionary Housing Conference focused on the complex programs and systems necessary to successfully oversee inclusionary housing programs. It offered the audience a chance to learn from experienced administrators about what to anticipate, pitfalls to avoid, and partnerships that can make it easier.[More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
September 27, 2007
Grocery Store Attraction Symposium
This one-day workshop/discussion brought together local government staff, community advocates, economic development practitioners, and others who are working to bring healthy food retailers to underserved, low-income, urban, or rural communities. [More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
September 05, 2007
CA League of Cities Conference
The Hidden Pros and Cons of Affordable Homeownership Programs September 6th, 2007[More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
August 22, 2007
Commercial Development Trainings
I developed this series of day long and multi-day workshops for the Local Initiatives Support Corporation's national Center for Commercial Revitalization to help community development corporations and local governments understand the unique challanges associated with neighborhood retail development. I have been delivering these training courses in communities around the country including: Philadelphia, Providence, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Toledo, Jacksonville, San Diego, and Cincinnati. [More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
July 26, 2007
League of Cities Mayors Forum
This presentation for aproximately 500 Mayors and Council Members from cities and towns throughout California focused on defining the purpose of affordable homeownership and balancing competing goals for local homeownership programs. |
Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
April 25, 2007
Vallejo Inclusionary Housing Program Design Workshop
This workshop conducted on behalf of the City of Vallejo, CA for community stakeholders and policymakers provided a quick overview of some of the program design issues related to preservation of affordability in inclusionary homeownership units.[More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
December 12, 2006
Community Driven Development
September 14, 2006 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Preservation Park – Niles Hall Sponsored by Citibank and Bay Area LISC This workshop described tools for community activists to use to influence and drive key decisions about neighborhood real estate development...[More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
November 30, 2005
Managing Commercial Properties - 2005 CHAM Conference
The Consortium for Housing and Asset Management (CHAM) is a collaboration of the leaders in the fields of nonprofit affordable housing production and community development. The Consortium is comprised of The Enterprise Foundation, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, and the NeighborWorks America. This workshop focused on exposing housing property and asset managers to the unique aspects of commercial and mixed use projects.[More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
August 24, 2005
Contra Costa County Inclusionary Housing Workshop
This workshop conducted on behalf of the Nonprofit Housing Association of Northern California for activists and policymakers in Contra Costa County, CA provided a quick overview of some of the program design issues related to preservation of affordability in inclusionary homeownership units.[More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
June 18, 2005
Financing Deed Restricted Housing
One of the challanges of developing affordable homeownership is that every financing source has its own requirements related to resale price restrictions and they do not all fit together easily. This workshop provided an overview of several of the most common sources of financing available to developers of permanently affordable homeownership in California including Fannie Mae, FHA, California Housing Finance Agency, CalHOME and the Federal HOME program.[More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
Preserving Affordability in Inclusionary Housing Programs
This half day workshop was offered as part of a training series organized by the Nonprofit Housing Association of Northern California for local housing activists working toward local inclusionary housing ordinances. The goal was to give participants an opportunity to discuss and think about the social objectives of affordable homeownership programs and specifically about the tradeoffs between wealth creation and preservation of affordability in inclusionary programs.[More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
June 09, 2005
Understanding Market Data
This workshop provided a general overview of sources of online market data including where to get it, how it might be useful in commercial revitalization programs as well as what some of the limitations of public data are. The handout provides an annotated reference to data reports available from ESRI which places the data in context and points out some of the problems with the data and techniques for reality checking these reports. Download the PowerPoint presentation and guide to market data.[More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
Homeownership: Equity Building vs. Permanent Affordability
This workshop at a regional housing conference outlined tradeoffs in the design of affrordable homeownership programs between maintaining long term affordability and generating wealth for homeowners. [More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)
Critical Factors in Mixed-Use Development
This workshop featured a pannel of private developers discussing the unique challanges of complex mixed-use real estate projects. Panelists incuded Libby Seifel of Seifel Consulting, Oz Erickson of the Emerald Fund and Michael Covarrubias of TMG partners. The PowerPoint handout highlights some common challanges and resources for developers and features a case study of the Emerald Fund's Ocean View Village. [More]Posted by Rick Jacobus | Comments (0)