September 15, 2007
Inclusionary Housing Production Study
Written By Rick Jacobus and Maureen Hickey.
Affordable By Choice:Trends in California Inclusionary Housing Programs was commissioned by the Nonprofit Housing Association of Northern California, The California Coalition for Rural Housing, The San Diego Housing Federation and the Sacramento Housing Alliance. The report details the findings of a statewide survey of local government agencies that have adopted inclusionary housing policies. Key findings include:
* Nearly one-third of California jurisdictions have inclusionary programs
* More then 80,000 Californians have housing through inclusionary programs
* Most inclusionary housing in integrated within market rate developments
* Inclusionary housing provides shelter for those most in need
* Lower-income households are best served through partnerships
Click here to download an exceprt of the report.
Download the full report
Posted by Rick Jacobus at September 15, 2007 02:52 PM