September 08, 2007
Joint Ventures with For-Profit Developers. A Guide for Community Development Corporations
Written by Greg Maher, Rick Jacobus, Maegan Winning and Judy Turnock.
This guide is designed to assist CDCs in becoming educated consumers as they think about, plan and become partners in joint ventures with for-profit developers.
Joint ventures between a community development corporation ("CDC") and a for-profit partner present tremendous opportunities for a CDC to build its skills and complete projects that are larger in scale and/or beyond its core competencies. However, there are a host of business issues raised by the prospect of a CDC co-owning or working closely with a for-profit on a project. Many issues need to be carefully negotiated for the CDC to protect its financial integrity and credibility. Based on Greg Maher's 2005 memo, this guide is structured to assist CDCs in becoming educated consumers as they think about, plan and become partners in joint ventures with for-profit developers.
Posted by Rick Jacobus at September 8, 2007 09:37 PM